home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; $VER: MCControl.install 1.60 (11.04.01)
- ; Install script for MCControl (Workbench 2.0 or higher)
- ;
- ;(USER 2)
- (SET #ApplicationName "MCControl")
- (SET #ApplicationDir "sys:tools")
- (SET #ApplicationDir1 "sys:utilities")
- (SET #ApplicationDir2 "work:tools")
- (SET #ApplicationDir3 "tools:")
- (SET #ApplicationDir4 "work:utilities")
- (SET #ArchiveDir "/")
- (SET #Language -1)
- (SET #Documents -1)
- (SET #ApplicationKeyfile (CAT #ApplicationName ".key"))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; English strings
- (SET default_lang 1)
- (SET #bad-kick "You must have at least Workbench 2.0+")
- (SET #bad-installer
- (CAT "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' "
- "on your Amiga!\n\nThe installation procedure needs at least Installer 42.9.\n\n"
- "Please check your configuration!\n"
- ))
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n\n%s Installation Script.\n\n"
- "This script installs %s on your Amiga.\n\n"
- "Read the guide file for more information\n"
- " on the distribution of %s.\n\n"
- "%s © 1995-2001 Guido Mersmann\n"
- "All rights reserved."
- ))
- (SET #App-MainMode "Please choose mode:")
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "Where would you like to install %s ?\n"
- "(A drawer will be created)"
- ))
- (SET #App-Update
- (CAT "\n\nA %s drawer does already exist in the selected "
- " directory.\n\n By selecting \"Proceed\", you"
- " indicate that you want to update the %s"
- " installation with the most recent version.\n\n"
- "Several %s specific files will be overwritten!"
- ))
- (SET #App-Main "Which %s version should be installed ?")
- (SET #App-Main-help
- (CAT "The OS2.0+ version should only be used on Systems with OS2."
- " The OS2.1+ and the OS3.0+ version need less Memory. Locale is required!"
- " Special OS3.0+ functions are used to save more memory."
- ))
- (SET #App-Language "Which languages should be installed ?")
- (SET #App-Language-help
- (CAT "\nThe Amiga can be operated in many different"
- " languages."
- "To reduce the amount of space consumed by the"
- " language files, you can select to have only the"
- " files of specific languages copied.\n\n"
- "Simply check the boxes of the languages you wish"
- " to have available on your system.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (SET #App-Help "Which Amiga-guide files should be installed ?")
- (SET #App-Exit "\n\n%s installed !!\n\n%s can be found in your \"%s\" drawer (or partiton).")
- (SET #App-DeInstallWhere "Where is the location of %s ?\n")
- (SET #App-Install "Install")
- (SET #App-DeInstall "Deinstall")
- (SET #bad-DeInstall "There is no %s installation at the specified position!")
- (SET #StartupRemove-prompt "\nRemove %s lines within your user-startup?")
- (SET #Deinstall-Done "\n%s is now deinstalled.")
- ;=============================================================================
- ; German strings
- (IF (= @language "deutsch")
- (
- (SET default_lang 2)
- (SET #bad-kick "Sie benötigen Workbench 2.0 oder größer")
- (SET #bad-installer
- (CAT "Achtung! Es ist eine alte Version des Programmes 'Installer' "
- "auf Ihrem Amiga!\n\nDie Installation benötigt mindestens Installer 42.9.\n\n"
- "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfiguration!\n"
- ))
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n%s Installationsskript.\n\n"
- "Dieses Skript installiert oder deinstalliert\n"
- "%s auf Ihrem Amiga.\n\n"
- "Lesen Sie die Anleitungsdatei für weitere Informationen"
- " über den Vertrieb von %s.\n\n"
- "%s © 1999-2001 Guido Mersmann\n"
- "Alle Rechte reserviert."
- ))
- (SET #App-MainMode "Wählen Sie den gewünschten Vorgang:")
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "Wo möchten Sie %s installieren ?\n"
- "(Ein Verzeichnis wird angelegt)"
- ))
- (SET #App-Update
- (CAT "\nEin %s-Verzeichnis existiert im ausgewählen"
- " Verzeichnis.\n\n Wenn Sie fortfahren,"
- " bestätigen Sie, daß Sie die alte %s-Installation"
- " mit der neuesten Version überschreiben wollen.\n\n"
- "Verschiedene %s-Dateien (z.B überflüssige Dateien) werden falls nötig überschrieben!"
- ))
- (SET #App-Main "Welche Version von %s möchten Sie installieren?")
- (SET #App-Main-help
- (CAT "Die OS2.0+ Version läuft unter allen Systemen ab OS2.0."
- " Die OS2.1+ Version hat den Nutzen, daß sie weniger Resourcen"
- " benutzt, wenn sich %s im Hintergrund befindet. Dazu MUß"
- " die Locale.library eingebunden sein. Für die OS3.0+ gilt das Selbe"
- " wie für die OS2.1 Verison. Es werden OS3.0+ Routinen benutzt, die"
- " weiteren Speicher sparen."
- ))
- (SET #App-Language "Welche Sprachen sollen installiert werden ?")
- (SET #App-Language-help
- (CAT "\nDer Amiga kann in vielen verschiedenen Sprachen"
- " arbeiten. Um Plattenkapazität zu sparen können Sie"
- " nur die Sprachen anwählen, die sie benötigen"
- " Haken Sie also einfach die Sprachen ab, die Sie"
- " Ihrem System zugänglich machen wollen."
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (SET #App-Help "Welche Anleitungs- und Informationsdateien wollen Sie installieren ?")
- (SET #App-Exit "\n\n%s installiert!!\n\nSie finden %s im Verzeichnis \"%s\"")
- (SET #App-DeinstallWhere "Wo liegt %s auf Ihrer Platte ?\n")
- (SET #App-Install "%s Installieren")
- (SET #App-DeInstall "%s Deinstallieren")
- (SET #bad-DeInstall "Es gibt keine %s Installation an der angegeben Position")
- (SET #StartupRemove-prompt "\n\nDie zu %s gehörenden Einträge in der User-startup werden gelöscht!")))
- (SET #Deinstall-Done "\n%s ist jetzt deinstalliert!")
- ;=============================================================================
- ; français strings
- (IF (= @language "français")
- (
- (SET default_lang 4)
- (SET #bad-kick "Vous devez avoir le Workbench 2.0 au moins")
- (SET #bad-installer
- (CAT "Vous avez une ancienne version du programme 'Installer' "
- "sur votre Amiga!\n\nLa procédure d'installation a besoin d'Installer 42.9 ou supérieur.\n\n"
- "Veuillez vérifier votre configuration!\n"
- ))
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n\nScript d'installation pour %s.\n\n"
- "Ce script installe %s sur votre Amiga.\n\n"
- "Lisez le guide pour de plus amples informations\n"
- " sur cette distribution de %s.\n\n"
- "%s © 1995-2000 Guido Mersmann\n"
- "Tous droits réservés."
- ))
- (SET #App-MainMode "Veuillez choisir le mode:")
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "Où voulez-vous installer %s ?\n"
- "(Un tiroir sera crée)"
- ))
- (SET #App-Update
- (CAT "\n\nUn tiroir %s existe déja dans le répertoire "
- " sélectionné.\n\n En sélectionnant \"Continuer\", vous"
- " indiquez que vous voulez mettre à jour l'installation"
- " de %s par la version la plus récente.\n\n"
- "Plusieurs fichiers spécifiques à %s vont être mis à jour!"
- ))
- (SET #App-Main "Quelle version de %s doit être installée ?")
- (SET #App-Main-help
- (CAT "La version OS2.0+ ne devrait être utilisée que sur un système tournant sous AmigaOS 2."
- " Les versions OS2.1+ et OS3.0+ utilisent moins de mémoire. Le système de localisation est nécéssaire!"
- " Des fonction spéciales de l'OS3.0+ sont utilisées pour gagner plus de mémoire."
- ))
- (SET #App-Language "Quelles langues doivent être installées ?")
- (SET #App-Language-help
- (CAT "\nL'Amiga peut être utilisé dans beaucoup de langues"
- " différentes."
- "Pour réduire la place utilisée par les fichiers de"
- " localisation, vous pouvez choisir de n'avoir"
- " que certaines langues spécifiques installées.\n\n"
- "Sélectionnez simplement les cases à cocher correspondant aux"
- " langues que vous voulez sur votre système.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (SET #App-Help "Quels fichiers d'aide doivent être installés ?")
- (SET #App-Exit "\n\n%s est installé !!\n\n%s se trouve dans le tiroir (ou la partition) \"%s\".")
- (SET #App-DeInstallWhere "Où est situé %s ?\n")
- (SET #App-Install "Installer")
- (SET #App-DeInstall "Désinstaller")
- (SET #bad-DeInstall "Il n'y a aucune installation de %s à l'emplacement spécifié!")
- (SET #StartupRemove-prompt "\nSuppression des lignes relatives à %s dans votre user-startup?")
- (SET #Deinstall-Done "\n%s est maintenant désinstallé.")
- ;---------
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Español strings
- (IF (= @language "español")
- (
- (SET default_lang 8)
- (SET #bad-kick "Necesitas al menos Workbench 2.0+")
- (SET #bad-installer
- (CAT "Tienes una versión antigua del 'Installer' "
- "en tu Amiga!\n\nEl proceso de instalación requiere al menos el Installer 42.9.\n\n"
- "Revisa tu configuración!\n"
- ))
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n\nGuión de instalación de %s .\n\n"
- "Este script instala %s en tu Amiga.\n\n"
- "Lee el amigaguide para más información\n"
- " sobre la distribución de %s.\n\n"
- "%s © 1995-2001 Guido Mersmann\n"
- "Todos los derechos reservados."
- ))
- (SET #App-MainMode "Elige uno de los modos:")
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "¿ Dónde quieres instalar %s ?\n"
- "(Un cajón será creado)"
- ))
- (SET #App-Update
- (CAT "\n\nYa existe un cajón %s en ese"
- " directorio.\n\n Si seleccionas \"Seguir\","
- " actualizarás la instalación %s"
- " con la versión más reciente.\n\n"
- "!Algunos ficheros específicos de %s serán sobreescritos¡"
- ))
- (SET #App-Main "¿ Qué versión de %s quieres instalar ?")
- (SET #App-Main-help
- (CAT "La versión OS2.0+ sólo debería funcionar bajo sistemas con OS2."
- " Las versiones OS2.1+ y OS3.0+ requieren menos Memoria. Necesitas Locale!"
- " Algunas funciones del OS3.0+ reducen el consumo de memoria."
- ))
- (SET #App-Language "¿ Qué lenguajes quieres instalar ?")
- (SET #App-Language-help
- (CAT "\nRl Amiga puede trabajar en numerosos lenguajes"
- " diferentes."
- "Parar reducir la cantidad de espacio necesaria para los"
- " ficheros de lenguaje, puedes copiar sólo"
- " los lenguajes específicos.\n\n"
- "Marca las cajas de los lenguajes que quieras"
- " tener disponibles en tu sistema.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (SET #App-Help "¿Qué Amiga-guides queres instalar ?")
- (SET #App-Exit "\n\n%s instalado !!\n\n%s está en el cajón \"%s\" (o partición).")
- (SET #App-DeInstallWhere "¿ En qué directorio está %s ?\n")
- (SET #App-Install "Instalar")
- (SET #App-DeInstall "Desinstalar")
- (SET #bad-DeInstall "No hay instalación de %s en el lugar indicado")
- (SET #StartupRemove-prompt "\n¿ Elimino las líneas %s de tu fichero user-startup ?")
- (SET #Deinstall-Done "\n%s ha sido desinstalado.")
- ;---------
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Português strings
- (IF (= @language "português")
- (
- (SET default_lang 16)
- (SET #bad-kick "Você necessita pelo menos do Workbench 2.0+")
- (SET #bad-installer
- (CAT "Você tem uma versão antiga do 'Installer' "
- "no seu Amiga!\n\nO processo de instalação requer no minimo o Installer 42.9.\n\n"
- "Por favor verifique a sua configuração!\n"
- ))
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n\nScript de instalação %s .\n\n"
- "Este script instala %s no seu Amiga.\n\n"
- "Leia o documento amigaguide para mais informações\n"
- " acerca da distribução de %s.\n\n"
- "%s © 1995-2001 Guido Mersmann\n"
- "Todos os direitos reservados."
- ))
- (SET #App-MainMode "Por favor escolha um dos modos:")
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "Onde deseja instalar %s ?\n"
- "(Será criado uma gaveta)"
- ))
- (SET #App-Update
- (CAT "\n\njá existe uma gaveta %s nesse"
- " directório.\n\n Se seleccionar \"Proceguir\", você"
- " indicará que deseja actualizar a instalação %s"
- " para a versão mais recente.\n\n"
- "Alguns ficheiros específicos em %s seram sobstituidos!"
- ))
- (SET #App-Main "Que versão de %s deseja instalar ?")
- (SET #App-Main-help
- (CAT "A versão OS2.0+ só deve ser usada em Sistemas com o OS2."
- " As versões OS2.1+ e OS3.0+ requerem menos Memória. Necessita do Locale!"
- " Algumas funções do OS3.0+ reduzem o consumo de memória."
- ))
- (SET #App-Language "Que idioma deseja instalar ?")
- (SET #App-Language-help
- (CAT "\nO Amiga pode funcionar com vários idiomas"
- " diferentes."
- "Para reduzir a quantidade de espaço necessário para os"
- " ficheiros de idiomas, você pode copiar só"
- " os idiomas que quiser.\n\n"
- "Simplesmente veja as gavetas dos idiomas que quer"
- " ter disponíveis no seu Sistema.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (SET #App-Help "Que documentos Amiga-guides deseja instalar ?")
- (SET #App-Exit "\n\n%s instalado !!\n\n%s pode ser encontrado na gaveta \"%s\" (ou partição).")
- (SET #App-DeInstallWhere "Em que directório está %s ?\n")
- (SET #App-Install "Instalar")
- (SET #App-DeInstall "Desinstalar")
- (SET #bad-DeInstall "Não existe nenhuma instalação de %s no lugar indicado")
- (SET #StartupRemove-prompt "\nRemovo as linhas %s no seu ficheiro user-startup ?")
- (SET #Deinstall-Done "\n%s foi agora desinstalado.")
- ;---------
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Polish strings
- (IF (= @language "polski")
- (
- (SET default_lang 32)
- (SET #bad-kick "Ten program wymaga co najmniej systemu Workbench 2.0+")
- (SET #bad-installer
- (CAT "Na swojej Amidze masz starâ wersjë 'Installera' !"
- "\nTen skrypt wymaga Installera w wersji 42.0.\n\n"
- "Proszë sprawdú swojâ konfiguracjë!\n"
- ))
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n\nSkrypt instalujâcy %s.\n\n"
- "Ten skrypt zainstaluje %s na Twojej Amidze.\n\n"
- "Wiëcej informacji o dystrybucji %s\n"
- " znajdziesz w dokumentacji.\n\n"
- "%s © 1995-2001 Guido Mersmann\n"
- "Wszelkie prawa zatrzeûone."
- ))
- (SET #App-MainMode "Wybierz tryb:")
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "Gdzie chcesz zainstalowaê %s ?\n"
- "(Katalog zostanie utworzony)"
- ))
- (SET #App-Update
- (CAT "\n\nKatalog %s istnieje juû w wybranym miejscu"
- "\n\n Wybierz \"Proceed\", "
- " jeûeli chcesz dokonaê aktualizacji %s"
- " z najnowszâ dostëpnâ wersjâ.\n\n"
- "Kilka plików %s zostanie zapisanych na nowo!"
- ))
- (SET #App-Main "Która wersja %s powinna zostaê zainstalowana?")
- (SET #App-Main-help
- (CAT "Wersja OS2.0+ powinna byê uûywana na systemach OS2."
- " Wersje OS2.1+ i OS3.0+ potrzebujâ mniej pamiëci. Wymagajâ jednak lokalizacji!"
- " Specjane funkcje OS3.0+ uûywane sâ aby zmniejszyê zuûycie pamiëci."
- ))
- (SET #App-Language "Które jëzyki powinny zostaê zainstalowane?")
- (SET #App-Language-help
- (CAT "\nAmiga moûe dziaîaê w wielu róûnych"
- " jëzykach."
- "Aby zmniejszyê iloôê uûywanego przez pliki"
- " z tîumaczeniami, powinieneô wybraê tylko interesujâce"
- " Cië pliki.\n\n"
- "Po prostu zaznacz odpowiednie jëzyki, które chcesz"
- " mieê zainstalowane na swoim dysku.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- (SET #App-Help "Które pliki Amiga-guide powinny zostaê zainstalowane?")
- (SET #App-Exit "\n\n%s zostaî zaistalowany!!\n\n%s znajdziesz w katalogu \"%s\".")
- (SET #App-DeInstallWhere "Gdzie znajduje sië %s ?\n")
- (SET #App-Install "Instaluj")
- (SET #App-DeInstall "Odinstaluj")
- (SET #bad-DeInstall "W wybranym miejscu nie ma %s !")
- (SET #StartupRemove-prompt "\nUsunâê linie %s ze swojego pliku user-startup?")
- (SET #Deinstall-Done "\n%s zostaî odinstalowany.")
- ;---------
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_Requirements
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_Requirements
- ; Workbench 37 or better required
- (IF (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
- (
- (abort #bad-kick)
- )
- )
- ; Installer 42.9 or better required
- (if (< @installer-version 2752521)
- (
- (abort #bad-installer)
- )
- ) ;if
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_DeInstall
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_DeInstall #InstallerMode
- (PROMPT #App-MainMode)
- (HELP @askchoice-help)
- (#App-Install #ApplicationName)
- (#App-Deinstall #ApplicationName)
- )
- ;(DEFAULT #Documents)
- )
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; GetApplicationDir
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_GetApplicationDir
- (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir)
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir1 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir1))
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir2 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir2))
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir3 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir3))
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir4 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir4))
- (SET #ApplicationDir
- (PROMPT (#App-Where #ApplicationName))
- (HELP @askdir-help)
- (default #Dummy)
- )
- #ApplicationName
- )
- )
- (SET @default-dest #ApplicationDir)
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; GetDeinstallDir
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_GetDeInstallDir
- (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir)
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir1 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir1))
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir2 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir2))
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir3 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir3))
- (if (= (exists (TACKON #ApplicationDir4 #ApplicationName) (NOREQ)) 2) (SET #Dummy #ApplicationDir4))
- (SET #ApplicationDir
- (PROMPT (#App-DeInstallWhere #ApplicationName))
- (HELP @askdir-help)
- (default #Dummy)
- )
- )
- (SET #Dummy (EXISTS (TACKON #Applicationdir #ApplicationName)))
- (Select #Dummy
- (abort (#bad-DeInstall #ApplicationName))
- (SET #Applicationdir #Applicationdir)
- (SET #Applicationdir (TACKON #Applicationdir #ApplicationName))
- ) ;Select
- (SET @default-dest #ApplicationDir)
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Ask for Catalogs
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_AskCatalogs #Language
- (PROMPT #App-Language)
- (HELP #App-Language-help)
- "English"
- "Deutsch"
- "Français"
- "Español"
- "Português"
- "Polski"
- )
- (DEFAULT default_lang)
- )
- )
- (IF (AND (> #Binary 0) (= #Dummy 0))
- (SET #Dummy 1)
- )
- (IF (= #Binary 0)
- (SET #Dummy (BITAND #Dummy (BITNOT 1)))
- )
- (SET #Dummy #Dummy) ;Return #Dummy
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Copy Selected Catalogs
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_CopyCatalogs #Language
- (SET n 0)
- (SET #DestinationRoot (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Catalogs"))
- (SET #SourceRoot (TACKON #ArchiveDir "Catalogs"))
- (MAKEDIR #DestinationRoot)
- (while (< n 6)
- (SET #Dummy (SELECT n "english" "deutsch" "français" "español" "português" "polski"))
- (
- (IF (IN #Language n)
- (
- (MAKEDIR (TACKON #DestinationRoot #Dummy))
- (SOURCE (TACKON #SourceRoot #Dummy))
- (DEST (TACKON #DestinationRoot #Dummy))
- (HELP @copyfiles-help)
- (ALL)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (SET n (+ n 1))
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Ask for Help
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_AskHelp #Documents
- (PROMPT #App-Help)
- (HELP @askoptions-help)
- "english"
- "deutsch"
- )
- (DEFAULT default_lang)
- )
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Copy Help
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_CopyHelp #Documents
- (SET n 0)
- (SET #DestinationRoot (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Help"))
- (SET #SourceRoot (TACKON #ArchiveDir "Help"))
- (MAKEDIR #DestinationRoot)
- (while (< n 2)
- (SET #Dummy (SELECT n
- "english"
- "deutsch"
- )
- )
- (
- (IF (IN #Documents n)
- (
- (MAKEDIR (TACKON #DestinationRoot #Dummy))
- (SOURCE (TACKON #SourceRoot #Dummy))
- (DEST (TACKON #DestinationRoot #Dummy))
- (HELP @copyfiles-help)
- (ALL)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (SET n (+ n 1))
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Copy_Dir (Dir)
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_CopyDir #Dummy
- (SET #DestinationRoot (TACKON #ApplicationDir #Dummy))
- (SET #SourceRoot (TACKON #ArchiveDir #Dummy))
- (MAKEDIR #DestinationRoot)
- (SOURCE #SourceRoot)
- (DEST #DestinationRoot)
- (HELP @copyfiles-help)
- (OPTIONAL <force>)
- (ALL)
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Copy_File (Name)
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_CopyFile #Dummy
- (if (<> (exists (TACKON #ArchiveDir #Dummy) (noreq)) 0)
- (
- (SOURCE (TACKON #ArchiveDir #Dummy))
- (DEST #ApplicationDir)
- (HELP @copyfiles-help)
- (OPTIONAL <force>)
- (ALL)
- )
- )
- ) ;If
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_Update
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (if (= (exists #ApplicationDir) 2)
- (message (#App-Update #ApplicationName #ApplicationName #ApplicationName))
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_AskBinary
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_AskBinary
- (set #Dummy (/ (getversion) 65536))
- (if (= #Dummy 37) (set #Binary 0))
- (if (= #Dummy 38) (set #Binary 1))
- (if (>= #Dummy 39) (set #Binary 2))
- (set #Dummy (/ (getversion "icon.library" (Resident)) 65536))
- (if (>= #Dummy 44) (set #Binary 3))
- (set #Binary (askchoice
- (prompt (#App-Main #ApplicationName))
- (help (#App-Main-help #ApplicationName))
- (choices
- "OS2.0+"
- "OS2.1+"
- "OS3.0+"
- "OS3.5+"
- )
- (default #Binary)
- )
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_CopyBinary
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_CopyBinary #Dummy
- (set #BinaryName (SELECT #Binary #Dummy (CAT "Bin/" #Dummy "_OS21") (CAT "Bin/" #Dummy "_OS30") (CAT "Bin/" #Dummy "_OS35") ))
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #ArchiveDir #BinaryName) (infos))
- (dest #ApplicationDir)
- (newname #Dummy)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (optional <force>)
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_KeyFile
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (SET #Dummy (tackon (tackon #ArchiveDir "Keyfile") #ApplicationKeyfile))
- (if (<> (exists #Dummy (noreq)) 0) ((P_CopyDir "KeyFile"))
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_CopyArchiveIcon
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_CopyArchiveIcon
- (SOURCE (CAT (CAT (TACKON #ArchiveDir "/") #ApplicationName) ".info"))
- (DEST (TACKON #ApplicationDir "/"))
- (HELP @copyfiles-help)
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; P_AskBool
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_AskBool #dummy
- (SET #dummy (ASKBOOL (prompt #dummy)
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; MAIN
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (P_Requirements)
- (message (#App-installmsg #ApplicationName #ApplicationName #ApplicationName #ApplicationName))
- (SET #InstallerMode (P_DeInstall))
- (welcome)
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- (IF (= #InstallerMode "0")
- (
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- (SET #ApplicationDir (P_GetApplicationDir))
- (P_Update)
- (SET #Binary (P_AskBinary))
- (SET #Language (P_AskCatalogs #Language))
- (SET #Documents (P_AskHelp #Documents))
- ;***** Delete old Data and Prefs *****
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Docs") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Docs.info" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "DefaultCards/Default.Card" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "DefaultCards/Sun-1152BLK.Card" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/Modules.doc" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/RamCard_mcm.asm" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/Empty_mcm.asm" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/Include.i" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Patches/SGT/SGT.doc" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/MCControl.mcm" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/MCControlSlow.mcm" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules/MCControlIRQBridge.mcm" (optional FORCE) ))
- ;***** Create empty Drawers *****
- (MAKEDIR #ApplicationDir)
- (MAKEDIR (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Prefs"))
- (MAKEDIR (TACKON #ApplicationDir "SaveGames"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "bin") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (P_CopyBinary #ApplicationName)
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "catalogs") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (P_CopyCatalogs #Language)
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Help") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (P_CopyHelp #Documents)
- (P_CopyDir "Modules")
- (P_CopyDir "MemoryCards")
- (P_CopyDir "DefaultCards")
- (P_CopyDir "Patches")
- (P_CopyDir "Prefs")
- (P_CopyDir "Help/Pictures")
- (P_Keyfile)
- (P_CopyDir "Bonus")
- (P_CopyArchiveIcon)
- (P_CopyFile "MCControl.info")
- (P_CopyFile "Help.info")
- (P_CopyFile "Warning")
- ;-----
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules.info"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards.info"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "DefaultCards.info"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Patches.info"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Prefs.info"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "SaveGames.info"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Bonus.info"))
- (run "c:avail Flush")
- (COMPLETE 100)
- (message (#App-exit #ApplicationName #ApplicationName #ApplicationDir))
- (exit (QUIET))
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- )) ;IF #InstallerMode = 0
- ;----------- Deinstallation -------------------
- (IF (= #InstallerMode "1") (
- (SET #ApplicationDir (P_GetDeInstallDir))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Modules") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "DefaultCards") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Patches") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Help") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Help.info" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Install") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Install.info" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Catalogs") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Bin") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Prefs") (optional FORCE) (ALL))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MCControl") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MCControl.info" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Warning") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Warning.info" (optional FORCE) ))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example2.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example3.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example4.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example5.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example6.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example7.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example8.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards/example9.mcd") (optional FORCE))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "MemoryCards"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "SaveGames"))
- (DELETE (TACKON #ApplicationDir "Bonus"))
- (DELETE #ApplicationDir)
- (DELETE (CAT #ApplicationDir ".info"))
- (COMPLETE 100)
- (Message (#Deinstall-Done #ApplicationName))
- (exit (QUIET))
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- )) ;IF #InstallerMode = 1
- ;-----------------------------------------------